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Full-Head Application If:
You have never coloured your hair or you want to change your current haircolor to a darker shade.
1. Prepare:
Put on gloves. Twist off the tip of the Dark and Lovely Cream Developer applicator cap. Remove cap from the applicator bottle. Pour entire contents of the Dark and Lovely Permanent Haircolour bottle into the Dark and Lovely Cream Developer applicator bottle. Replace the applicator cap securely. Place your gloved finger over open tip. Point away from your face and shake thoroughly until color mixture is totally blended. Never leave the tip of the applicator bottle unopened after mixing. The container may burst. For Light Golden Blonde and Luminous Blonde, see special instructions inside of pack.
2. Apply:
Part dry unwashed hair into 4 sections and clip in place with plastic clips if hair is long. Apply colour mixture. Squeeze the applicator bottle gently to apply colour mixture beginning at the hair line in the back; then continue upward until the hair roots and entire hair line are completely covered. For hair with resistant grey, apply to grey areas first. With gloved hands, gently smooth colour mixture out to the ends for even distribution making sure that every strand is covered. Do not rub into scalp. If any colour mixture gets on skin, simply wipe off with towel. Do not save any unused colour mixture. The container may burst.
3. Timing:
After completing the application, process for 20 minutes on relaxed hair or 30 minutes on natural hair (hair without any prior chemical treatment).
4. Rinse Out:
When processing time is up, add a little lukewarm water to your hair and work the color mixture into a lather. Rinse thoroughly until water runs clear. If color mixture gets into your eyes, rinse out quickly with water. After rinsing, towel dry.
5. Condition:
Apply enough Dark and Lovely Nourishing Care Conditioner to saturate hair. Massage through hair. Leave on hair for 3 minutes. Rinse out with warm water. Save remaining Dark and Lovely Nourishing Care Conditioner for multiple applications.